The yoyoyum story goes back a few years. We were rather stretched out looking after our baby girls and balancing careers all at once. Its tough for a working couple to balance home, kids and work. So between writing up reports, changing diapers, cooking or ordering in.... it became quite apparent we were loosing the plot.
There are only that many restaurants I could keep ordering in from. Restaurant food started to loose its appeal. After a while it all tasted the same. Coincidently my neighbours to the left were originally Italian bakers and to my right made the most exceptional slow cooked lamb amongst other delicious recipes handed down over generations. It didn't take long for us to begin a culinary journey experiencing a variety of cuisines in our neighbourhood.
This was the point of inception. What a wonderful world it would be if we all could experience such exquisite home cooked cuisines at a click of a button. A menu next door awaits us all.